Welcome to Saint Spyridon Greek Orthodox Church. Come worship with us and enjoy the beauty of Saint Spyridon, one of the finest examples of Byzantine style iconography and traditional interiors in the United States.
Upon entering an Orthodox church it is customary to light candles and offer prayers for one's personal needs or that of a family member or friend. We invite you to light a virtual candle here.
Orthros: 9:00 AM
Divine Liturgy: 10:00 AM
Complimentary Valet Parking
As you might have seen on the news, all buses will now be generating tickets to cars double parked on a bus route. Please allow the Valet to park your car to avoid receiving a ticket.
Please visit our Saint Spyridon YouTube channel and subscribe.
Join us for fellowship and coffee following the Divine Liturgy. If you are interested in sponsoring a Sunday coffee hour, please call the church office.
For your protection, our church is adhering to government laws & Archdiocese directions and protocols. When you enter the church:
- We will provide Hand Sanitizer.
* Visit our Facebook page for latest church bulletins and announcements.
* STEWARDSHIP CAMPAIGN ... click for more info
Time of Illness - Artoklasia - House Blessing - Prosfora - Altar Servers
* When a member of our Parish is ill and has been hospitalized or may be recuperating at home, the immediate family of the ill person should contact Father Gregory. It is beneficial to both the body and the soul when our priest prays for us when we are healthy or ill.
* To order Artoklasia and Kolyva (please give 1 week notice), please contact the church office.
* To request a house blessing, please contact the church office.
* To donate the Prosfora for a particular Divine Liturgy, please contact the church office.
* Calling all Altar servers! We are looking for altar servers to participate in the Altar on Sundays during worship. Please contact Father Gregory for more details or contact the church office.
124 Wadsworth Avenue
New York, NY 10033
Phone: (212) 795-5870
Fax: (212) 795-4758
Email: office@saintspyridon.net
Fr. Gregory Telemachos Stamkopoulos
Cell: (475) 689-8318
Email: fathergregory@saintspyridon.net
St. Spyridon Church relies on your support. We kindly ask you to consider mailing a donation or donating via the PayPal link below. Please help us to insure that our church will continue to thrive:
Online Chapel

Afterfeast of the Theophany of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Saints and Feasts Commemorated
Visit the Online Chapel for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.